Saturday's evening party will include prizes for:
- Best male/female costumes
- Best couple's costume theme, and of course,
- Best Buns on the Butte;
- as well as for the flying competitions.
Dinner is a pot-luck, with the annual Chili Cook-off providing the main course. It's a good opportunity to show off your favorite chili recipe. We'll also have a desert competition, with prizes for the best chili and the best desert. Please bring something to share. The NWPC will provide beer, wine, music and decor.
We ask for a $30 donation per pilot, and $15 for accompanying non-pilot spouses or significant others. Register at the Chelan Falls soccer field/LZ or at the Party Saturday night. Proceeds will go to support our Chelan Butte site.
The Women's Fly-In has always been a really fun weekend, and your presence will help make it so again this year. Time to put together your costume and tweak your chili recipe.
Where: Chelan Airport Pilot's Lounge
When: Set up at 6 pm, Chili contest and potluck at 7 pm.
Music , drinking and dancing to follow
We as always will have the traditional chili cookoff, which is always delicious. Looking for a volunteer to help organize that, please contact Iain ,, or any of the board.
COSTUMES encouraged! It is a Halloween party after all. 'Listserv troll' costume, anyone? After we eat there will be music and dancing and costume contest voting.
Iain and LeAnn will be bringing the party decorations and music setup, but they could use some help. We need folks to join us at the pilot's lounge at 6 pm to setup for the party and then folks to do some light cleanup after the party and then a good cleaning on Sunday morning. We are fortunate that the airport lets us use the pilot's lounge and we like to leave it cleaner than we find it to keep that goodwill.
Chelan is beautiful this time of year with Autumn color and salmon in the river as you fly over on the way to the LZ. Even if the flying conditions aren't perfect, it is usually sunny and warm and there's always wine tasting in Chelan/Manson's many wineries. Come join your fellow pilots in the last Fly-In of the year.
Hope to see you all there!
Some pics from previous years from Jan Olsen.