Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Can-Am Fly-in Black Mountain


August 15, 16 & 17

The CAN-AM, or Canadian American, is a fly-in for Hang gliders and Paragliders originated by U.S. and Canadian hang glider pilots in the 1970's. Delvin Crabtree and his wife Pam were among the first paragliders to participate in the fly-in in the 1980's, making it one of the first bi-wingual events in the U.S.

Black Mountain is like a big foot with toes crossing the U.S/Canadian border a few miles east of the Sumas border crossing. Nestled in the instep is Silver Lake, where the Whatcom County Silver Lake Campground is located. The park maintains a huge mowed grass field LZ next to the beautiful group campground. Kids have a great time in the park as well so bring out the whole family!

The launch is about 3600' agl, reached by a gated but good logging road off the Mount Baker Highway. It is accessible for two-wheel drive vehicles, but 4-wheel drive is recommended as the last part is quite steep. You launch from the logging road, looking to the west with a spectacular view. Mt. Baker looms large over your left shoulder.

What a deal!

Registration Fee:  $35
Includes 2 Nights Camping

Breakfast: Both Sat & Sun morning (pancakes & eggs)
Dinner Saturday Night: Guy Smith’s Famous Pulled Pork Sandwiches

We are asking people to bring a side dish for Saturday night

Guy Smith, a paraglider pilot who lives near Ferndale, will be bringing his huge locomotive barbecue – aka the BARBECHOO – to the fly-in again this year and will be roasting the pulled pork all day on Saturday. YUMM!

Come on out Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, August 15, 16 & 17 to the Black Mountain, Can-Am bi-wingual Fly-In and help us celebrate another year keeping this fabulous, world class flying site open. The weather will be great and the pilot friends and soaring as good as it gets.


To get to Silver Lake Park from I-5, take the Mount Baker Highway (Exit 255) and drive east 28 miles to Maple Falls. Turn left on Silver Lake Road and follow the signs approximately 3 miles to the park. The group campground and LZ is the road on the right just before the main entrance to the park. There is a quarry directly across the road from the Group Camp entrance.


1 comment:

  1. quite a good park at the boarder of the two countries. and as it allows rv's too, so it becomes a rv parks and allow visitors to enjoy more.


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